Put another next to it
Two nouns, it doesn't matter
a cloud river...
Next word, keep it going
word after word after word
river running
the sounds continue ringing
if they're said out loud
even when vibrations have left
"the cloud river running west turns this way and that
across the sky and into the distance"
becoming a sentence
Becoming a picture in the mind
one word, another, another
Bob is the neighbor. His dog is sick
Snow is expected and the birds seem to sense it
it might be a essay
or become a story
telling about how this all began
"once" and "never again"
how it will all end
kettle of soup and clouds of steam
bubbling up in the kitchen
maybe a book
that someone turns into a movie
with so many words
famous people saying famous words
And it too will tell a story all about the names
names are nouns too
there is no where to go
nowhere to return from
no one to see
the crumpled paper with so many words written on it
drops to the floor
the cloud river running west turns crimson orange
against a purple sky,
night approaches
the theater is dark
names scrolling on the screen
and a boat the shape of the moon
rises in the east
traveling down the cloud river that is running west
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