While I was reading a few articles at the journal "Frontiers" website I discovered a link to this fine blog story that posed this question.
I will ad that my own current views are reflected in this excerpt.
"This is a rubric for ideas in which consciousness is an emergent property of the brain's role of monitoring the environment and the body's own internal states using virtual representations created in the brain. Combined with temporal memories of previous states (memory), and projections of futures states (imagination) and representing the observing subject as a virtual self, consciousness is the overall effect of these functions. This emerges particularly from the work of Antonio Damasio and Thomas Metzinger and is closest to my own understanding of what consciousness is or does."
HHere are some links to other papers on consciousness recommended to me by Robert Gregson.
Thanks for sharing these Robert.
Limanowski and Blankenburg:
Hobson and Friston
Do I dare to try and slip in one more? Of course I will, I am a research junkie, and a long holiday weekend will allow you 'non shoppers' some 'Black Friday' reading time.
This collaborative paper (8 co-authors) is, I believe, the type of paper Mark Filippi was encouraging the Winter Chaos Conference to produce.
"This joint article reflects the authors' personal views regarding noteworthy advances in the neuroscience of consciousness in the last 10 years, and suggests what we feel may be promising future directions. It is based on a small conference at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, Maine, USA, in July of 2012, organized by the Mind Science Foundation of San Antonio, Texas. "